Zihao Li

Zihao Li

Post Doctorate RA

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory


I received Ph.D. in mining engineering at Virginia Tech with the research efforts focusing primarily on petrophysical property analysis and the geostatistics-based applications of subsurface reservoirs using numerical modeling and laboratory core analysis. I have broad interests in petrophysics, reactive flow and transport, fluid flow in porous media, and carbon sequestration. I am currently a Post Doctorate RA at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), where I am working on the development of novel products for subsurface reservoirs with specific conditions (e.g. geothermal), carbonate crystallization, and carbon capture and sequestration (CCS).

  • Carbon sequestration
  • Reactive flow and transport
  • Fluid flow in porous media
  • Petrophysics
  • Enhanced oil/gas recovery
  • Ph.D. in Mining Engineering, 2021

    Virginia Tech

  • M.S. in Mining Engineering, 2018

    Virginia Tech

  • M.S. in Petroleum Engineering, 2016

    China University of Petroleum, Beijing

  • B.S. in Geographic Information System (GIS), 2013

    China University of Petroleum, East China



Finite difference method solver, Data analysis, Uncertainty analysis, Figure plot

Laboratory Experiment

Core flooding, Pulse decay permeameter, Fracture conductivity cell, CT scanning, Microfluidic

Microsoft Office

Word, Excel, Powerpoint


Pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib


hierarchical model and formation petrophysical properties combination


Journal/conference paper, Grant proposal, Research statement, in Chinese and English


ArcGIS, Surfer, and other softwares


Subsurface flow and geothermal modeling

Patting cats

Pat pat pat


Post Doctorate RA
Sep 2022 – Present Richland, WA
  • Novel proppant development
  • StimuFrac
  • Carbonate crystallization
  • Geothermal engineering
Postdoctoral Associate
Sep 2021 – Aug 2022 Ithaca, NY
  • Carbonate crystallization and reactive transport in the subsurface conditions (microfluidics experiment, Raman microscopy, and OpenFOAM and PHREEQC simulation)
  • Developing the chemo-mechanical basis for observed failures in engineered and natural materials
Vice President
Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Student Chapter at Virginia Tech
Jun 2020 – Jun 2021 Blacksburg, VA
Graduate Research Assistant
Aug 2017 – Aug 2021 Blacksburg, VA
  • Multiphysics & multiscale modeling of flow in tight porous media by MATLAB and finite difference method
  • Laboratory experiments for the petrophysical properties of conventional and unconventional rock samples
  • Geostatistics application (hierarchical model) in the geological formation properties investigation
  • Laboratory equipment set up and laboratory management
Graduate Research Assistant
Aug 2013 – Jul 2016 Beijing, China
  • Preferential-channel-plugged experiments
  • Microfluidic experiments and image/data processing
  • Real-time CT scanning of core flooding experiments
  • Novel particle-suspended system evaluation
  • Reservoir core plug sensitivity experiment


Fundamental of Reservoir Simulation
Oil and Resources Course
MOOC OIL & GAS – From Exploration to Distribution

Recent Publications

Quickly discover relevant content by filtering publications.
(2022). A mathematical framework for multiphase poromechanics in multiple porosity media. Computers and Geotechnics.


(2022). Experimental investigation of non-monotonic fracture conductivity evolution in energy georeservoirs. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering.


(2021). A Novel Experimental Study on Density-Driven Instability and Convective Dissolution in Porous Media. Geophysical Research Letters.


(2020). Experimental Investigation of the Role of Temperature on the Threshold Gradient of non-Darcian Flow in Clay/Sand Mixtures. AGU Fall Meeting 2020.

